BOB DE GRANT 18 yrs 6'1" 190 lbs Waist 30" Brown hair. Bob is a football man through and through. During the summer months he eagerly awaits the preparations for o new season. He plays any position on the squad, and is as intent in his studies of coaching and refereeing as he is at hard sportsmanship on the gridiron. Always outdoors swimming, waterskiing etc, his fair complexion tans easily. A graceful ballroom dancer, he likes all music forms. Lately he has been using weights to supplment his football workouts, but he feels all sports con rightfully be considered


Photo by Ken Wallace 5880 Hollywood Blvd Hollywood 28, Calif, who offers

8 4x5 photos of Bob for $1.50

ED HOUGHTON 19 5'11 170 Blonde Hair, blue eyes, of Irish, English and German descent, a native Californian.

Ed plays guard for the college football team and is a winner in field and track events, specializing in the 220 yard and 3 mile distance event, and is equally skilled in short springs and the high hurdles. He hopes to become a coach in either football, field or track.

When asked to pose, Ed was quite reluctant, because having followed with great interest the feats of famous bodybuilders and weightlifters, he felt his build was inadequate. However, when it was pointed out to him that his photos would prove that good health and physical superiority could be derived through other means such as his application to sports, he agreed to pose.

Ken Wallace 5880 Hollywood Blvd Hollywood 28 Calif offers 8 4x5 quality prints of Ed @ $1.50

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HAROLD REPOSER 17. 138 lbs 517" Chest 381" Very little bodybuilding but hopes to take it up seriously when he gets out of the servi ce several yrs from now.

Jim Hills PO Box

4989 San Francisco

1 Calif took the photo and offers 4 4x5 prints for $1. Catalog of 16 photos $1. Jim offers no 8x10 prints.

Harold is wearing Coronado Pose Briefs available in white or navy blue at $4.95 from AMG 1834 W 11th Street

Los Angeles 6, California.

HENRY STENECKI, handsome Polish model, who can gain definition readily but finds it difficult to get bulky. Photo by Spectrum Films, po box 35 Sta 3 Cincinnati 19 OHIO. Spectrum offers 2 sets of 10 35mm color slides each of Henry at $4.50 per set or both s sets $8.50. They also offer two movie sequences ($11.75 for 150 ft B&W 16mm.) Send them $1 for samples and catalog.

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